Two more short comics from the Neil Gaiman Humble Bundle that I invested in some years back.
Neil Dreams is in fact a compilation of two issues of Rick Veitch's series Rare Bit Fiends, in which he asked well known comics creators to retell their dreams. Both are pretty brief. The second frames of the third pages of each are as follows:
It's as interesting as most cases of people telling you about their dreams, which is to say, not very.
The other short, An Honest Answer and Other Stories, brings together three very brief meditations on the creative process, the first two ("An Honest Answer" and "From Homogenour to Honey") illustrated by Bryan Talbot and the third ("Villanelle") by Dave McKean; this is the second frame of the third.
Brief work which doesn't require much analysis. I normally link to places you can buy these books, but they are not available anywhere.