Selected Prose, by Charles Lamb

Nov 18, 2020 18:16

Second paragraph of third essay ("Edax on Appetite"):You must know, then, that I have been visited with a calamity ever since my birth. How shall I mention it without offending delicacy? Yet out it must. My sufferings, then, have all arisen from a most inordinate appetite--
Collection of Lamb's writings on literature etc, but I'm afraid I found my general lack of interest in the subject matter too profound to appreciate the occasional rhetorical flourishes of his writing and gave up sixty pages in. You can get it here.

This was the non-fiction book that had lingered longest unread on my shelves. Next ought to be Tomb Travel, A Guide to Northern Ireland's Megalithic Monuments, but I can't find it and so will probably go to Our War: Ireland and the Great War, by John Horne.

bookblog 2020, xa

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