Whoniversaries 20 October

Oct 20, 2020 09:30

i) births and deaths

20 October 1929: birth of Colin Jeavons, who played Damon in The Underwater Menace (Seocnd Doctor, 1967) and George Tracy in K9 and Company (1981)

20 October 1941: birth of Anneke Wills, who played Polly Wright, companion of the First and Second Doctors, from 1966 to 1967. I do recommend her autobiographies.

20 October 1942: birth of Caroline Hunt,who played the TARDIS crew's ally Danielle in The Reign of Terror (First Doctor, 1964) and a mind probe technician in Frontier in Space (Third Doctor, 1973).

20 October 2008: death of John Ringham who played Tlotoxl in The Aztecs (First Doctor, 1964), Josiah Blake in The Smugglers (First Doctor, 1966), and Robert Ashe in Colony in Space (Third Doctor, 1971).

20 October 2009: death of Hubert Rees who played the Chief Engineer in Fury from the Deep (Second Doctor, 1968), Captain Ransom in The War Games (Second Doctor, 1969), and Stevenson in The Seeds of Doom (Fourth Doctor, 1976).

ii) broadcast anniversaries

20 October 1979: broadcast of fourth episode of City of Death, the one with John Cleese, Eleanor Bron, and the punch that saves the universe. Really, if you haven't seen it, you ought to.

20 October 2008: broadcast of first episode of Secrets of the Stars (SJA). A mysterious astrologer is able to tell Sarah Jane's history with the Doctor; Clyde appears to be under his influence.

iii) date specified in canon

20 October 1901: The cargo ship Lankester is sailing from Madagascar to New Orleans with passengers including the Sixth Doctor, Peri and some even stranger entities - as told in the Big Finish audio Cryptobiosis (2005).

doctor who: anniversaries, doctor who

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