Sat, 13:20: RT @ CoNZealand: If you missed out on the Sir Julius Vogel Award voting packet the first time, we are pleased to announce that it is now ava…
Sat, 16:39: RT @ archer_rs: Overheard ten minutes ago at the boulangerie, two British women in the queue, "Bloody EU, they imposed a 14 day quarantine…
Sat, 20:48: Tank Girl 25th anniversary: Rachel Talalay looks back at comic book adaptation Missed this great piece at the time.
Sat, 21:55: RT @ DoctorWho_BBCA: "You know the sound the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning. That sound brings hope wherever it goes." #DoctorWho htt…
Sat, 23:02: RT @ anders_aslund: 10. That Lukashenko organized a media meeting today to appeal to Putin for a conversation indicates that Putin really do…
Sun, 10:45: RT @ StuartHumphryes: These magical autochromes were taken 107 years ago at Lulworth Cove in Dorset, in August 1913 - less than a year befor…