Mon, 12:56: My first boss paid £29.3k of my wages into his own bank account -and kept it. Now, I’m speaking out…
Mon, 14:08: I wouldn't put it quite so strongly as far as the EU quarter goes. About half the places in Place du Luxembourg are…
Mon, 17:56: RT @ Sophie_Wilmes: Vandaag heropent de #horeca! Ik heb ervan geprofiteerd om samen met mijn man iets te gaan eten. Voor wie een sector wil…
Mon, 20:45: RT @ LaylaMoran: Oriel College must take down the statue of Rhodes, a white supremacist who does not represent the values of Oxford in 2020.…
Tue, 08:16: RT @ JenniferMerode: The paranoid style in British politics. Three things 1. EU long given up on Brexit extension (although still thinks sen…
Tue, 10:45: RT @ davidallengreen: Interesting and detailed blog post on the applicable law for the Colston statue criminal damage, by one of the very be…