Sat, 13:14: RT @ emilyfdeath: Enjoyed the section in today’s @ POLITICOEurope Playbook on secret UK plans the dastardly EU keeps trying to pretend are th…
Sat, 21:59: Both Patrick Troughton (Player King) and Peter Cushing (Osric) were in Laurence Olivier's 1948 Hamlet. Is there ano…
Sat, 22:25: RT @ CamestrosF: @ nwbrux I can't think of another. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire got an Oscar nomination for Best Art Direction and (n…
Sat, 22:25: RT @ HickeyWriter: @ nwbrux John Hurt was in A Man For All Seasons. And if you count Unbound Doctors David Warner in Titanic and Derek Jacobi…
Sun, 07:44: RT @ ann_leckie: Turns out when you trash talk an org, and harass, stalk, and threaten its members, that org turns out to be less than eager…