Jul 25, 2017 12:00
Mon, 12:56 : 9 dangerous toys that prove kids were just tougher before 1990 https://t.co/onnyv1VwXv Those were the days! Mon, 16:05 : For whom does the bell toll? https://t.co/BRs1GrAV4b Good (Greek Cypriot) analysis. Mon, 18:22 : Doctor Who: advice for someone who hasn't seen it yet https://t.co/72qiIM0QCK Mon, 19:48 : RT @ PattyJenks : My producer just sent me this... ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! This makes every hard day worth it. Thank you to whomever wrote it!… Mon, 20:48 : Nixon, Trump, and How a Presidency Ends https://t.co/8xQIMWy3oQ Looking at the historical parallels in detail. Tue, 10:45 : On Estonia, the EU and tech https://t.co/834Zw9emit Why the EU is good, and how it can be improved.