Interesting Links for 17-05-2017

May 17, 2017 08:00

Emmanuel Macron: A New Hope for Europe?
My colleague @MathildeBouvier on the new landscape.
(tags: france )

Some Recent Irish History
John Bruton has not forgotten 1997.
(tags: ireland )

New consensus in Germany - Brexit should be clean, and Britain should pay for it
@JeremyCliffe reports.
(tags: germany eu brexit )

Chasing Cures for Deadly Scourges, and Getting in Our Own Way
How we fail to eliminate diseases.
(tags: polio health )

Suicides of benefit claimants reveal DWP flaws
How the UK gov't kills the poor and disabled.
(tags: ukpolitics disability )

germany, ireland, eu, ukpolitics, disability, brexit, france, health, polio

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