Interesting Links for 24-02-2017

Feb 24, 2017 07:00

Behind the scenes at the Swedish troll factory
How we are being spun.
(tags: Russia sweden Internet )

Brexit and Europe: A new entente
@AndrewDuffEU calls for a transitional supervisory authority to oversee the process.
(tags: eu brexit ukpolitics )

On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America’s New Right
Brilliant from @pennyred:

"Whatever the rights and wrongs of punching fascists, if people of good faith and conscience are publicly debating whether or not you deserve a smack in the mouth, it’s probably time to have a think about your life...."

"The reason the Lost Boys allow themselves to be stolen away to Neverland is that they want to live somewhere they will never have to grow up. By coincidence, that’s also the reason that a great many people voted to place a spray-tanned authoritarian in the Oval Office. Remember, though, that only Peter rules Neverland. What happens to the Lost Boys in that story if they ever start to build memories and change, if they ever started to become adults? They skipped this bit in the Disney movie, but, in the books, Peter kills them."
(tags: uspolitics )

I Was a Muslim in the Trump White House-and I Lasted Eight Days
Read it.
(tags: islam uspolitics )

islam, uspolitics, eu, ukpolitics, internet, brexit, sweden, russia

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