Interesting Links for 19-07-2016

Jul 19, 2016 08:00

The 2016 Hugo Awards: Two Weeks Out
Abigail reminds us to vote.
(tags: sf hugos )

A brief analysis of Labour’s NEC Candidates
Duncan counts the words. #fb
(tags: ukpolitics )

How the UK halved its teenage pregnancy rate
Fascinating and encouraging. #fb
(tags: sexandgenderandsexuality ukpolitics )

How technology disrupted the truth
A long but important piece about post-fact discourse. #fb
(tags: socialmedia media internet )

Britain's limited options
More on the difficulty of post-Brexit trade agreements.
(tags: ukpolitics eu )

Night Moves
All about darkness.
(tags: astronomy )

media, sf, hugos, sexandgenderandsexuality, eu, ukpolitics, internet, socialmedia, astronomy

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