Interesting Links for 24-02-2016

Feb 24, 2016 15:00

Let's not get nostalgic about Jeb Bush He lost because he was bad, not because he was decent.
(tags: uspolitics ) What did the EU ever do for Britain? Good question; many good answers.
(tags: eu ukpolitics ) Richard Corbett's Mythbusters Veteran Labour MEP sets out the facts.
(tags: eu ukpolitics ) Seas are now rising faster than they have in 2,800 years, scientists say *gulp*
(tags: climatechange ) Why Professor Indiana Jones Was Hated By His Colleagues Hee!
(tags: sf funny ) Against Big Bird, The Gods Themselves Contend In Vain Big Bird defeats a demon and defies Osiris. Canonical.
(tags: sf children )

children, funny, sf, uspolitics, links, eu, ukpolitics, climatechange

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