Two stories here both told in the first person by companions of the Eleventh Doctor, and neither of them available in dead tree format.
The Sleepers in the Dust, by Darren Jones
This is an audiobook narrated by Arthur Darvill in the first person as Rory Williams. It has a lot of good things going for it, including two differently interesting types of alien, a nicely constructed time paradox, and not least Darvill's usual excellent performance as Rory reflecting on his odd relationship with the Doctor. There is a major plot implausibility, though, rather early on where Rory leaves a desperately ill Amy on her own in order to go gallivanting off with the Doctor looking for a cure; this seemed to me emotionally tone-deaf. Though not as bad as the treatment of River Pond's relationship with her parents. Speaking of which:
The Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery, by Justin Richards
This is an ebook exclusive, supposedly the book that the Doctor, Amy and Rory were reading in The Angels Take Manhattan, though in fact it contains almost none of the material we heard about on TV, instead being quite a nicely constructed novella of Melody Malone, Private Investigator, hired to find out what is really going on in a New York film studio. The fun here is not just the plot, which is properly sfnal while fitting Who continuity, but also Richards' generally successful capturing of Alex Kingston's voice telling a noir story (with perhaps a couple too many lines about breasts). I should not complain too much; the good lines start with the statement that the supposed author is "possibly married but lives alone usually, and is older than both of her parents. Sometimes." And much more.
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