June Books 12) Serenity: Better Days, by Joss Whedon and Brett Matthews

Jun 16, 2009 21:55

A great nostalgia item, a new episode of Firefly in graphic novel form, set (obviously) between the end of the series and the movie. Another of the nominees for the experimental Hugo category Best Graphic Story, and so far my favourite of the three I've read. I tried the early Buffy season 8 comics, but didn't like the artwork on the characters; Will Conrad seems to have tried harder here, so that they actually look like who they're are meant to be. Though really what makes it is the script; a fairly ordinary space opera story, shot through with those moments of wit and characterisation that made the original TV series such fun. I can't imagine this appealing much to people who hadn't seen Firefly or Serenity, but they are clearly not the intended audience!

tv: firefly, bookblog 2009, comics, hugos 2009

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