March Books

Mar 31, 2009 22:11

Non-fiction: 5 (YTD 21)


Shakespeare: 3 (YTD 10)


Fiction (non-sf): 5 (YTD 11)


SF (non-Who, but including Homer): 8 (YTD 20)


Who: 2 (YTD 10)


Comics: 1 (YTD 3)

4/24 (YTD 14/75) by women (Picard, Rowling, Atwood, Satrapi)
2/24 (YTD 3/75) by PoC (Dualeh, Satrapi)
Total page count ~7,600 (YTD ~22,500)
Owned for more than one year: 6 (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [reread], The New Penguin Russian Course, Jennie, Resurrection, The Power of Speech, A Million Open Doors)
Also re-read: The War of the Worlds, Stranger in a Strange Land, Macbeth (for a total of 4, YTD 12).

bookblog 2009

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