AC is still very sick. Her fever is above what I consider ok to let work, so we've been pushing Motrin and Tylenol, and it's not coming down much. She's coughing and miserable.
Plan is to take her in tomorrow to get a flu test. If it is positive, I'll push for preventative Tamiflu for Perry. He's leaving for France in a bit over a week. Cannot have him get sick now.
We're all washing hands etc, but still. The good thing is that D, the next door kid, had the flu last week, when AC was hanging out with her (now I know why she had to go over there and D wasn't allowed outside. Sigh...). Anyhow, nobody else in her family caught it. Also, half of Perry's class was out earlier this month, and he didn't get sick then either. Fingers crossed.
In an hour or so, I have to go to the gym for volunteer work. I'll be there until 8 or 9 tonight. I'm leaving the kids alone, I think AC is ok enough to call 911 in case of total emergency, and I told Perry and Linnea they could sit in front of the TV all day, with either video games or on demand from Netflix. Fingers crossed there too...
Was surfing jobs on craigslist. One looked... ok. Part time, a meager $10/hour, no benefits, labware maintenance, basic chem prep (I can do all that), as well as assisting in experiments. OK, this is pretty much what I'd want to do, wet lab stuff. Then the killer. You also have to be the janitor. WTF? They really know they have people fucked, don't they? Anyhow, I won't be applying.
It's rather like the ad I saw a few weeks back, for a lab tech position.
1. Bachelors in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering.
2. Educational and/or laboratory experience in surface chemistry, micro-fabrication, nanotechnology, genomics, biochemistry, and/or molecular biology.
It's a temp position, and you have to be available to work the hours they decide, 8 hours shifts, some of them ending at 8 p.m. There will be "extended hours", whatever that ends up meaning.
All this for.... $8.50/hour.
Nice, eh? And btw, $8.50/hour is less than my state's minimum wage, so the ad was edited a few days later to offer the much more generous $8.67/hour that the state mandates, and the job description changed from lab "tech" to lab "intern". Nice. But yeah, rock, meet hard place.
I Can Haz Cheezburger and failblog (no, I'm not giving links) used to be on my daily reads, and I was a very early visitor, having been a fan of what were called lolcats before Cheezburger. So, daily read. And then I found an ad on craigslist from them, which prompted this post of mine,
Disappointed. Now? I despise them and don't read any longer, though I'll click it someone sends me a link. They are funny, and I don't prevent the kids from going there, but my contempt for Ben Huh and the whole outfit knows no bounds. They found a way to make zillions off of other people's creativity -good for them- but then advertise from a skilled position at minimum wage. That, to me, turns them into scum. Share the wealth, folks! You can say a lot of nasty things about Microsoft and Bill Gates, but he did do right by his employees, as did Jeff Bezos, and a few others.
Thinking about Japan makes me want to cry. And I'm very afraid that we're rather lost sight of the tsunami devastation because of the nuclear issues. Sigh. I don't like the way the trend is going, and btw? Seems like Japanese corporations are filled with same kind of lying asses as our own.
I had a couple links to share, but I appear to have lost them. Sigh.
About AC's beam routine yesterday. I don't think I've ever been as proud of her as after she got back on that damn beam after her third fall.
This week, I think I'm going to start posting some original fic of mine. Don't know how I'll divy it up, or if I'll post a bit each day or what. I'll figure it out.
And now off to the gym. It'll be ok. I must keep telling myself that.