Mar 29, 2020 08:29

It was so great to see so many responses to my post! Especially on the LJ side. All my people flocking home in a crisis, offering and receiving community. What a gift!

Here it is raining A-FUCKING-GAIN, which is seriously messing with my mental health. So is spending an entire day sitting in one spot reading Twitter. I know that! But it's addictive. But also there are such great things to be found there, like the jolly old gent singing "Stay the Fuck at Home." The bored sportscaster calling his dogs dinner time as if it's a sporting event. (Brilliant) A family (including elderly dad, who had refused to dance at his own wedding) dancing to "All the Single Ladies" and killing it (including the dad). People being kind. Useful information. Somewhere around 2:00 a.m. (kill me now) I began Blocking All the Motherfuckers.

Note: In the last four years since I was reliably here, my language has gotten to be a shitload worse. I curse like a motherfucker. I wonder what could be the cause of this.

I can't forswear Twitter until I finish my 19-day CORVID-19 tweets, which link to cool info on crows, ravens, magpies, jays, and the new-to-me treepies, which live in South and East Asia. It's been fun looking for and tweeting about corvid research, birdwatching neepery, mini-documentaries on the ravens who live at the Tower of London, etc.

Otherwise, I am apparently not one of those people who find being stuck in the house a great ambition engine. Though I might have found my motivation in not wanting to die with my house in the mess that it is, if I happen to get this shit.

I am also having trouble with next week's reading assignment. I now have 2 novels to read in 2 days. Yesterday I read some, but I find something in the writing that isn't compelling. I ended up taking an hourlong nap (with Sammy cat curled up on my pelvis). Might try the other book today and see if that goes better.

I also need to make a drugstore run and a grocery run today. That, at least, will get me out of the house, but I'd much prefer it not be rainy and darkish. The drugstore run I can do from my car, at least. Not sure about the grocery run.

Okay, I'm going to make my breakfast and try to get some other things going today. See you soon!
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