Jul 01, 2010 20:01
I should be crossing stuff off my list, but I was farting around on Twitter and my flist while I had dinner, and I need to get going.
But I feel compelled to say WHAT THE LIVING HELL is wrong with people? Okay, we already knew Mel Gibson was an asshole of the highest order, but he wins a prize with the latest news. Way to be a racist ASSHOLE, and by the way, way to talk to ANY woman much less the mother of one of your many many children. So little of the completely deserved outrage about this quote has even remarked on the implication that it's any woman's fault that she's raped, no matter how she looks. Mel, you're a stupid fuck, be gone with you.
And I saw some commentary on "The Last Airbender" that linked to an interview with M. Night in which he claimed we just don't GET how freakin' diverse his movie is, because he's a man of color and he can CAST ANYBODY HE DAMN PLEASES, and that is exactly why it's so awesomely diverse. Or something. My eyes sorta crossed when he got into the casting of the different peoples, and oh yeah, JUST WAIT TILL THE NEXT MOVIE IS OUT. IT HAS AN ACTOR OF COLOR IN IT, BUT IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF OUR WHINING, HE WAS ALREADY GOING TO DO IT. Is there something in the water in Hollywood? Jeez.
What's a drag about Mel is, you can't boycott shit you were already boycotting. Maybe when there are time machines I can go back in time and talk myself out of seeing the shit of his I did see. "No, I promise you, he's going to turn out to be a total douche. You will wish him dead. Oh, and you're going to become a country music fan, and will actually see your hero Kurt Vonnegut in the flesh at a Loretta Lynn concert you willingly attended." ::past self drops dead, problem solved::