Precious little accomplished today so far. I went out and bought some ingredients for an appetizer I'm making for a party tonight at my friend L's (one of the San Miguel Siete, but the party's not just us). Recipe is one I haven't tried before, so I hope it's good. Found it on All Recipes, and it had raves, and it is easy. I'm letting the cream cheese soften and then I'll assemble it, then I'll refrigerate it for an hour or more.
It's a garden party, and it looks to be hotter than hell. It's horrendously hot and humid after a morning of pouring rain. (Last night after a big rain it got COLD. So how's a girl supposed to plan ahead?) I will be vigilant and not stand around in one place endlessly without a cold drink and an occasional bout of sitting down, that's for sure.
Also nipped in to get a present for a friend at another store.
Otherwise ... a load of laundry. Staring at my current fic. I did a bunch of research last night, but it hasn't really translated to actual writing yet.
I NEED to spend a major chunk of tomorrow cleaning house. (Why yes, you have heard that before. And no, I never get around to that part.)
Misha was in fine form last night, entertaining us himself us on Twitter. And I got scolded by the Swearbot over there.
I need to post about my adventures at Writercon. Such a delight to see my old friends again, and to meet new folks. And while I'm used to meeting LJ friends in RL, I met my first Twitter friend!
emeraldsedai is over there, and had friended me due to some Twit-reply I'd made to Misha, and when we both twitted about Writercon, we had a OMGwemustmeet! moment. So she found me at the cocktail party -- she was wearing the marvelous Serenity coat. Somehow it seems so much less likely to meet someone you only know from 140 characters at a time, but that just goes to show you. We had a few excellent conversations over the course of the con.
And it was also a delight to hang out with
lumenara, who is definitely someone who has Got Your Back. I am pretty sure it was she who brought me the ice pack while I was lying on the floor at the welcome party (I was a bit vague, having the vapors and all), and then toward the end of the con when a bunch of us were walking back from breakfast Hell's Kitchen, some guy on the street started talking to me (midwestern guys on the street really don't get the NY "Yeah-hi" tone of voice when you react to a greeting but keep walking) (it was the tiny Canadian flag pin I was wearing, I'm sure), and she dropped back and hooked her arm through mine, in a clear "No one messes with my friend" gesture. Fandom peeps, they are made of awesome.
I think it's time to mix the cream cheese and the other stuff.