OKAY: To start off wow, the commercials for Heroes during Chuck were fab. The had me fangirling so hard I nearly wet myself (JK)Also the commercials during the super bowl totally rocking.
So +'s and -'s
+ Okay standing up for what you believe for, running into a moving plane to save your friends okay you grew up: PLEASE KEEP THAT CHARACTER GROW
- Ando your an ass sometimes
+ Though you are trying to go to Hiro's rescue- lets see how that works
+ Bawwww! Hiro's password= SO CUTE <3! Hiro/Ando FOREVER!
+ Sylar, your getting a plus because you are hot AND BA! (I hope you find your father)(And I see you've escaped death again... how?)
+ Telepath man that can sundenly read the future... what WAS in that stuff you ate?
+/- Mohinder& the Jessica Nikki Clone- Eh you were there. You were pretty. Eh.
+ Peter! Your trying to save people again! Yeah! (did ALL your powers reset except flight?)
- Nathan: you are a bad man
- Noah: Morally gray does not even BEGIN to cover this
+/- Writing: For the most part OK, Clair still flip flops from angst!teen to i-have-character-growth!character. Hiro was adorable and it didn't feel like the plot was being pushed to hard on him this time. I like the commentary on the war on terror and gitmo (although now both of those places are fairly moot seeing as where Obama is taking the country... sentiments are just a little late folks)
BUT AS FOR THAT ENDING! THIS IS HEROES NOT LOST. Seriously? Come ON Kring! JJ Abrams should kick you! What happened? Ran out of plot devices? The writing style was all flowy and interconnecty before. NOW you've gone 'hmm, lets stick all are leads to fit together in one box' THIS IS NOT THE JUSTICE LEAGUE! NO NO NO! THIS IS BAD WRITING!
Although the future does look very interesting and now fandom has a reason to stick to characters in a room because they actuality know each other. Oh and do I see a boyfriend of the season appearing for Clair? LOL WHUT?
NOW onto Big Bang Theory
(Monday is shapeing up to be my favorite day of the week now! First the geeky and then the sexy what more do I want?)
Interesting episode. The Sheldon/Penny aspect is continueing to be pushed. While poor Leonard is left out in the cold, getting stuff written on his forehead, and is being ingored by Penny. And frankly Penny that line of 'I don't think I could keep my hands off you' was MEAN! You KNOW HE LIKES YOU, A LOT! That was so unfair! Grrrr.... Leonard is to good for you. (but I still ship you two, not for you but for him) I mean I like Penny as a character but the way she treats him.... :(
Favorite lines: Howard- Raj is gonna piss his pants, I'm gonna throw up, Sheldon's gonna run away, and you're gonna die....shall we synch our watches?
Sheldon- I was wrong. Mistrials will sing songs about you. (Walks off singing)