"I got it a week after we started dating."

Apr 20, 2008 00:40

It seemed appropriate to have the subject of this post a quotation from the amazingly awesome Jim Halpert on account I, for no apparent reason other than a mutual love for them both, associate the fictional Mr. Halpert with the awesomely real, Wells Thompson.

Well tonight after months without action (on the field, I'm convinced off of it Wellsipoo has his very own Pam--it would just be unfair for him not to), I was finally able to see the man himself!

Upon seeing my now, current favorite player on the field again (Norway doesn't count. I bet my life I couldn't even motion to where it is on a map), a flurry of emotions overcame me. The most dominant of the bunch was wonder.

I wondered what an average Thursday would be like should I spend it with Thomas Wells Thompson.

I imagine we would get an early start at the IHOP--chocolate chip pancakes for me and blueberry for him...for no other reason other than he just seems like a blueberry boy.

Then we would call up Jeff Larentowicz on account his awesomeness is tenfold because of THIS:

and THIS:

Which would lead to a lengthy discussion, and ultimately, decision for Wells to join in on the fun and get thick, dark rimmed glasses like Jeff, myself, and the Verizon Wireless guy.

Upon bidding farewell to our favorite red head, we would then watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies and proceed to write messages to each other in Tengwar because of it.

If you will...

After that we would finish out the day with a healthy dosage of the real Jim Halpert...more specifically, THIS scene:


Good day.

jeff larentowicz, wells thompson, new england revolution

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