Jimmy Conrad = a little bitch?

Apr 10, 2008 18:34

I was deeply disturbed by my feelings (however quick) of distaste for Jimmy Conrad's conduct during last night's Revs Vs. Wizards game. Normally physical games make me excited and at times, I even tend to giggle inappropriately, but he really seemed to throw a bunch of cheap shots on Adam Christman ( HoNizzle note: Adam is a house. He could kill Jimmyh with his pinky toe. Perhaps Jimmy is just a stupid bitch?)

After the Revs Victory (woo!) I decided I needed to do some research to see if my Jimmy dislike was a temporary thing or did I have years of therapy ahead of me on account I always fall for the wrong/bad guys (case in point, my first crush: Tommy the Green Ranger --when he was evil, not when he got all woosy and fell in love with Kimberly the Pink Ranger and turned good--although, still adorable, but I digress).

My research included youtube videos and about 2.3 seconds into one I immediately realized that my Jimmy dislike was only a temporary thing because all was forgiven with one simple smile.

Jimmy Conrad: a Lucky Bitch.

new england revolution, jimmy conrad

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