My Trip to the MLS Cup in DC

Nov 20, 2007 22:46

I would have posted this sooner, but alas, I needed a day or two to recover.

Let's just grab the bull by the balls and come right out with it, shall we?

My boys lost.

Which totally sucks.

I am now, and forever will be against anything orange or Houston. That's just the way it is. The cloud of orange smoke has caused me to see things clearly. I have started a club. It is called the "Everything that is Houston Sucks Ass, Club". There are currently two members, and we are accepting applicants. Basically we (Kel and I) just sit around and discuss why we hate Houston and why Wells Thompson would make such a great cuddler.

Nuzzler? Check.

Would Watch 'Dancing With the Stars' with us? Double Check.


*Their star player, Osama De Rosario, bears a striking resemblance to a well-known Al Qaeda terrorist. Maybe he is one. 
*Brian Ching probably has never even seen an episode of Dancing With the Stars
*They are San Jose rejects
*Houston will always be a poor man's San Antonoio
*According to Wikipedia there are only 3 dunkin donuts...I have like 9 on my street.
*Wouldn't be accepting like Massachusetts of a possible, real-life, NWellman pairing.

The lists goes on...

Now, before you ask, I made it out of the stadium without crying, therefore, I am VERY proud of myself. But at the airport...not so lucky. It seems waiting around the airport for 6 hours gives one a lot of time to think. And unfortunately a lot of time to listen to the Rascal Flatts' "What Hurts the Most" on repeat.

Fucking iPod.

But I digress...

If you look at the season, the game winning goals, all around adorableness. The Revs are the winners.

Speaking of adorableness...

The Jim/Wells thing is in serious danger of overshadowing my twellman/noonan love. What's next H-ells Advocate? Wait a minute...I actually kind of like that.

RFK Stadium was pretty cool! It's neat to see a baseball stadium that can be transformed into a soccer field.

My dad came up with the idea for these pictures which I thought was pretty cool! I heart nearly empty stadiums!

Noonan juggling cuteness (see, I didn't totally abandon him)

True fans can spot NWellman from behind...

That's all for now. I have a lot more pictures and shall post them once my photobucket account stops acting up. Little Bitch.

'The Everything Houston Sucks Ass Club' President, 
HOnizzle fo shizzle

houston sucks, dc united, houston dynamo, nwellman, wells thompson, mls cup, new england revolution

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