The Work and the GORY

Jan 29, 2009 01:32

Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

Well, the minis are coming along pretty well. The majority of the iconics are inked and awaiting Ben's editing and coloring (he's being secretive about it, but I did get to see Kyra at about 90% completion, and his work on Ezren's lineart is damn pretty), and I've got some info on monsters for the Bestiary and some adventures, so I'll be making lists tonight.

So many gnolls. So. Many. Gnolls. :P

I'm hoping to get some time to sketch and ink some mofos, but I've got to get my paycheck tomorrow, run some errands, take the lady-friend out to dinner, and run some CoCT action (which I need to prep for). Oh, and there's some bill crap to take care of. So, probably not. If I can't get any work done tonight, I'll probably be Saturday or Sunday before I get more time to do art.

Oh, and there's all those mini back-sides to do. Yay.

It looks like the first two adventures are quite gnoll-centric, so hopefully after that I won't have to draw a gnoll for a while. I think doodling 4-8 gnoll mooks, some elite dudes, and a bunch of named gnoll NPCs (front AND back) will kill my desire to draw gnolls for the forseeable future.

I also hope Ben can get some more coloring/editing time. He's got a backlog of, what, six or seven iconics to finish? And then something like 18-24 gnolls and other NPC types? And Six or so Bestiary monsters?

Damn. This is crazy. I love it. :D


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