Seems lately I plan to write some epic entry and end up flaking on it halfway through. Let's try to get this done right.
First and foremost is some funny dude as I was leaving the gym a few minutes ago.
He's built like a linebacker with the barrel chest and large arms and all that and just seemed to give off this aura that he was one of "those guys" and I was right. How do I know? That is because he walks to his car which turns out to be this blue mustang and that thing was loud. I'm pretty sure he was just making it sound as loud as he could when he was leaving...because I could hear that fucking thing as he left the entire plaza. This is one reason I hate American cars...because it attracts stupid fucks like that who seem to thing something loud that can travel fast in a straight line is awesome and we should all ride his dick over it.
Give me togue (mountain pass) racing anyday. Takes more skill IMO than drag.
Got my first AAA ever! I mentioned it last time that it was Let The Beat Hit 'Em (Classic R&B Style) on Saturday. I've been playing DDR since my sophomore year of High School and I just now got my first AAA. Took me several tries. Here's how it went:
First set was:
Let The Beat Hit Em (1 Great and on the first step)
something else...
Second set was:
Let The Beat Hit Em (1 Great and again on the first step!)
Butterfly (After Kelly did it I gave it a shot but fucked it up)
Let The Beat Hit Em (AAA)
It was funny how pissed I was getting over the greats and such but the funny thing was during the run on the AAA the only thoughts on my mind was how I'd react when I finally got that great. That never happened and I was surprised the song ended too...I lost track of how many steps I had hit.
I'm going to go play tomorrow so maybe I'll get another one...maybe.
Did more work on the S30Z in Wangan 3. Got the carbon hood for it and did 17 stages on it and it still has the unshaded status.
Kelly and I also transferred the Z31 we both tuned from Wangan 2 over to 3 and that thing is awesome. It's a friggin' bullet on the highway.
I really did enjoy the day at Fun World. Lots of fun in that place.
It's still just impressive at how much stuff they have in that place. Not everything works in 100% order but sometimes you do have to understand it can't always be done. Especially in a place that size.
I wonder if I could ever run an arcade. Nothing enormous but still...makes you think.
Doubt that'll ever happen...or if it does not for several years.