Jun 30, 2008 17:52
So here is what's up with me lately.
Given up on Starbucks, rest in peace.
Have an interview with Trustco. Bank on Wednesday so hopefully I'll land a job with them and enjoy it.
Last Thursday I went to Boston with my parents and got to wander on my own.
It did suck at first since I didn't know how to use the subway and my parents weren't helping me any. I kept asking how to use the subway to get someplace but they just kept saying every other way to get there.
Well I saw Iron Man for the fourth time and still enjoy it. Got to play on a halfway decent ITG2 cab at the theater (reason I went) and then had lunch and made my way to MIT to meet up with my "sister".
Got a little lost on the way there but once I found a map of campus I got there easily. They have the best DDR Extreme cabinet on the planet there! The pads are just about flawless and they have memory card slots.
Got food with her and her friends which was awesome. Hopefully I can visit again sometime and have more time to interact and such with them.
On Saturday was the big DDR Reunion in Syracuse which was awesome!
Drove down with Mel and got there at 10, but not too many people were there yet.
The qualifier was Share My Love which I've only played like twice but I managed to get 14 Greats on it I think.
My PA was on the top that day. It was fun thinking back to when I started getting serious about DDR and how much better I've gotten over the years. It made me feel great. My PA has never been better.
Got to play some Wangan too which was super fun even though there weren't any good players at all.
I raced two people and one was sorta cool but not very good.
The other fished a stock car with his 600HP one so I raced his car and won and as I expected he busted out his other car which was 800HP and I took him to C1 Out and he kept it at 800HP and I knew instantly he lost. Won by at least 500m.
Shattered Time Crisis 4 and Crisis Zone's high scores.
It was a really fun time and I hope I can do it again sometime.
Didn't get back until 4am, my parents said they couldn't sleep and thought Mel and I had been arrested. lol
I don't understand how when I'm off at college I can do whatever I want and they can rest easy but when I'm back living at home they flip out when I do the same shit. I don't get how that works.
So I went to a job fair today which was super scary! So many people.
I learned a few things and plan to research a few of the companies that interested me so that will be fun to do. Plus I got to dress really fancy and I mean real fancy. Dress pants, nice shoes, blazer, tie, I looked fucking amazing!
Went to a Starbucks at the Styv. and some girl in an SUV drove by as I got out of the car and just said "Heeeeey." in that cute sounding voice. If only she pulled over to talk face to face so we could have fucked right there. Even though I didn't see what she looked like at all. lol
I'm going to a party in a week so that'll be fun I hope. Maybe by then I'll have that job at the bank and be making some nice money.