Monday musings...

Sep 18, 2006 12:57

Hey, the Patriots won last night!!! Yay! I love it when they play well. Don't like when they get a little cocky because they are playing well though. Twice last night after they were up about 20 pts., they let the Jets just take the ball and RUN to the end zone. One was 70 some yards (!), the other was like 30 yards. Geez! Where the hell were the Patriots? No where in the camera angle, that's for sure.
But on the other side, the Pats defense rushed the Jets quarterback like he had a basket of hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts in his hands! Everytime. So in that case, WHERE were his boys.
Anyway, it makes me happy when the Patriots are on my TV! (plus, there's Tom Brady!)

My user pic. catches me off guard everytime I see it! All those flames. Burn, baby, burn!
That's Chad Kroeger with some serious 'F'ing pyro behind him. That's a pic. from the show I went to. I was way up in the stands and that shit was burning ME! I don't know how they could stand it. Plus it was late July and hot as hell to begin with.
I can do 5 more user pics. which is very cool, except that I have dial up and it takes too long to do it. Maybe I will do more when I go back to high speed.

Anyway, I'm just rambling, cuz I have the day off and I know I probably won't have time to do it later.
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