Jun 25, 2005 22:18
My nephew is living here now, (I think. He's hardly here, but his stuff sure is...) so I set up a bookcase in the hallway for him to put his things on and it got me to thinking--I need more space. I could use the bookcase for, you know, books. I have a ton of books. They are jammed into my existing 6ft tall bookcase and there's overflow everywhere. Is it wrong to be a book junkie?
I forgot to mention my excitement on Weds. this week. Pulled into Mcdonalds to grab the kids some chicken nuggets and we're driving down the road when my oldest spits his out and says it's 'wet' in the middle. I reach back and grab the youngest's box from him and I'll be damned if the fucking nuggets weren't RAW(!!!!!) in the middle. Now, my youngest has autism and had eaten one and a half before this discovery. I was so livid! I turned around and went back. When the boys and I walked in with the offending nuggets in hand the chick behind the counter says, "We already know." I could have come over that counter after her. She just thinks she was pissed off.
There were apologies and bullshit, and I was asked if I wanted MORE nuggets....were they kidding?---I don't know, but I said, "NO, (all smarmy like) I want my MONEY back." (and maybe my son's stomach pumped!)
So while one was getting my money I explained to 'miss already know' about my son with autism having already eaten 1&1/2, and she has the nerve to tell me it wasn't intentional! Well, let's hope not.
But correct me if I'm wrong here...when one goes into a restaurant and orders food, is it wrong to assume the food will be COOKED???? I think not.
My son, fortunately did not get sick, but if he had I would have had the health department and the local television news crawling all over that place. That is really unacceptable practice for any restaurant and especially one that serves God knows how many children everyday. A little 2 year old may not have had the fortitude in his/her digestive tract to combat whatever food borne illness that uncooked chicken was carrying.
Whatever, they are back on my boycott list. Never again.
Wow, I feel better after my little rant. Any other randomness will have to be discussed at a later date.
Peace out.