Feb 27, 2007 22:13
To be a rationalist is to understand that most things in life have rules and predictable outcomes and to learn these rules and to understand them is to be miserable most of the time and eventually see the negative outcomes because of the choices people make. It's rational to want to protect yourself, it's not rational to want to display you're enlightened self and show just how fucked other people's problems are. Then this isn't really a rational person is it? A rational person understands it's the problems people go through that make them who they are, and for you to tell them what's right and wrong just to show how much you got it together is just being a complete jackass. For them to ask you.....is a completely different story. It's the challenges you go through that matter in life. When things are getting you down always remember you can do no wrong, because even when you admit to being wrong, you're right to admit it.
Those people who try telling other people what to do when they didn't ask for it.
Fuck them.