Title: Three Women and a Baby
Pairing: Adama/Roslin, Tory/Maya
Word Count: 370
Warnings: F/F relationship
Author’s Note: Another diary entry for the
about_time Battleship Challenge: Team!Laura.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Ronald D. Moore. He’s a very lucky man.
dear diary,
I’ve begun working with the President, well former President, at one of the schools on New Caprica. Tory arranged it. She’s been incredibly attentive and supportive since I adopted Isis. I’ve wondered before why the President was so personally involved in this one child’s fate but I’ve come to realize that’s just the kind of woman Laura Roslin is.
Tory explained that white board in her office was a count of every person in the fleet. She may not have met us all, but President Roslin was aware of each one of us. I doubt Baltar shares her diligence.
Tory has told me a lot of things about Laura. I feel like I can call her Laura here, given what I know. Though I’d never say it to her face.
I believe Tory cares for Laura more than professional standards would dictate. She’d never admit it, not sober, but I see the way her eyes follow Laura with longing and hear the tenderness when she speaks of her. That tenderness turns to disgust when Bill Adama is part of the conversation. That’s one reason I’m not jealous. Laura could no more be Tory’s than she could be mine. As much as Tory’s voice takes on a sweet, melodic tone when she speaks of Laura, Laura’s does so more when she talks of the Admiral. And it isn’t longing in the President’s eyes - it’s hunger and mirth. Laura Roslin is happy. Even on this godsforsaken planet, with her duty stolen from her by a weasel of a man, Laura Roslin is enjoying life.
I wish I could put a smile on her face the way Bill Adama does. But I’ll trust him with her heart and keep trying to appease Tory’s. We are, neither of us, the other’s first choice but as long as the Admiral warms Laura’s cot at night, I will warm Tory’s. She is, in a small part, the provider of my child, after all. Though my body longs more for the soft touch and bright smile of Isis’ other mother. We, the three of us, with love not entirely for each other, will always give life and love to this precious baby of mine.