Title: Happy Birthday Madame President
Warnings: none
Word Count: 300
Author’s Note: For Challenge No 46: Power on
ar_drabbles . This was started a while ago for the power challenge but I fell behind and today seemed like an appropriate day to finish it in honor of Mary McD’s birthday.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Ronald D. Moore. He’s a very lucky man.
Laura waved off the crisp salute she received from the Chief as she stepped off the Raptors wing, unconsciously noting she hadn’t been met with that level of formality since the early days of their exodus.
As Laura was guided through the web of gray halls, her mind sorted through a list of meetings and tasks and occasional bits of poetry; the ever-growing litany increasingly infiltrated by the nagging realization that every crewmember she passed was snapping a quick salute.
Her musings were forgotten as she focused on nodding in acknowledgement of each salute, just feeling the beginnings of a headache when her eyes fell on the large form standing at attention in full dress grays in the juncture ahead of her.
“Happy Birthday, Madame President,” the Admiral belted out sternly. His arm held in an almost overzealous salute and his eyes directed at an appropriately distant point behind Laura’s head.
“Is that what this is!” Laura’s hair was tossed back as her bemused smile split into deep laughter. It was several moments before her humour settled and her attention was regained by the Admiral’s now husky voice.
“I considered making it a fleetwide holiday but decided I’d start the tradition here on Galactica.” Laura took a step forward so she was directly in front of Bill, her grin evening out to a stern Presidential glower.
“You may have the power to do that Admiral. But you certainly don’t have the authority. I do believe Colonial holidays are a civilian matter.”
Bill looked away from the twinkle in her eyes, down at the metal flooring, feigning chastisement. Laura reached out and brushed his arm.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
The smile in his deep blue eyes as he gently tucked her arm in his was all the birthday gift Laura wanted.