Sep 26, 2004 20:18
this is unfuckingbelievable.
i can't believe they fucking opened school tomorrow.
do you long it took me to get to class the day after the class hurricane??? 2 1/2 hrs....and that's because JACLYN was in the car navigating because i had no idea where in hell's backstreets of ghetto temple terrace we were......because all the mother fucking roads leading to school were flooded and had detours.
this is fucking proposterous....i can't NOT go...i mean i'm going to have to wake up at 4 in the morning.
fucking stupid bastard officials. their asses are all going to be home tomorrow....and we don't even know how much debris could be littering our streets and how many trees are leaning on powerlines.
those motherfuckers. how idiotic is that.
i'm so mad right now...