Jan 18, 2005 22:29
i don't know it makes me sad. companies like fox and abc putting together programs like american idol. i mean yes.......i do watch it [who doesn't?].....it's entertaining/funny.......but when i think about it...it really makes me hate the brodcasting company/american idol corp etc. i mean....they've brainwashed people into thinking that getting on this stupid show/winning the 'american idol' title is bigger than college...friendship...having a life.. and jesus and heaven and just about anything else! when all it is is coming up with an image or story....selling it....and being able to strut some sexy clothes while carrying a tune! some 28 yr old woman w/ c-section baggage, and a shady voice....sold her WEDDING RINGS...all because she wanted to have enough money to fly up to american idol and sing for four people. this has gone too far. i mean a lot of people get up there and make fools of themselves just to get on tv. i have no problem with that. a lot of people think it would be fun because they're talented and think, 'why not?.
and i'm sure everyone who auditions is aware of how harsh the judges can be BEFORE the competition....so i have no pity for the tears....
but when it comes down to people being brainwashed....the people who truly believe that they're good...[and unfortunately arn't talented vocally] giving up all their money and time for 20 seconds....20 seconds that's worth billions to tv companies.............i just feel like marketers/brodcasting are taking advantage of people who aren't as intelligent as they may be. arn't we supposed to use are intelligence for good?? why is it always about making a buck....and off of other people's stupidity!! i want to see those corporations work for their money with their bare fucking hands. i'm tired of this....but then again.....i don't know.... there's that saying 'fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice, shame on me'. but just because people can be manipulative and make money at other's foolish expense....doesnt mean they SHOULD.
i don't know....then again maybe it's just a show. an entertaining show that everyone's watched at least once....and then again....and then again like a drug. i just hope that something good comes out of this. i was brought up to believe that good comes out of every situation, good or bad...so that's the way it's gonna be. maybe i'm wasting space here on lj thinking about this. people are making a buc. people are 'being the best they can be' and 'going for it', right? i just sense a dark side to it all.
my fucking head hurts. i can't believe i'm still sick.