another saturday night of catch-up

Oct 23, 2004 22:00

watched 'farehnheit 9/11'. it was exaggerated...but interesting/informatory.
it definitly raised a lot of relevant question and rightful suspicious against bush. i mean i don't think he's this horrible horrible man who wants our soldiers to die [i hope not]. i just think that there's been a lot of suspicion in the past [w/ his original election/florida/jeb bush] and now present [his buddy buddy saudi's].

today was good. worked. got the money. hung out with jaclyn/drove around and got some chai...and finished homework. very productive

-If I were a month, I'd be November. the whole year changes then...gets cooler/peaceful...people start thinking about holidays/upcoming events and time off w/ family & friends. a lovely time. yes.
-If I were a day of the week, I'd be Friday....carefree and spontaneous. it can be fun...or be a homework catch up night. always good.
-If I were a time of day, I'd be sunrise. the light is beautiful...the air is fresh.....and when you're up that early you've got an entire day ahead of you.
-If I were a planet I'd be Saturn. the rings [or let me get scientific and say 'circumscribed dust particles and gas'] look like a heavenly aura.
-If I were a direction I'd be North so I could look onward to new adventures.
-If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be a leather couch. no wait...then i'd be sweaty. nix the leather. i'd just be a big comfy reclinable couch.
-If I were a sin, I'd be...hmm....derogatory words and motions used when driving. stuff like that makes me laugh. anger is a 7 deadly sin, right? [greed, gluttony, sloth, sex, pride, anger?, ____??]. i don't know.
-If I were a beverage, I'd be a chai latte. spicy and full of pizzazz... yet sweet and comforting.
-If I were a kind of weather, I'd be snow. it's so serene and majestic how it sparkles in the sun....i miss it.
-If I were an animal, I'd be a bird so i could fly. no nevermind...birds are stupid and not very cuddly. i'd be...a cute little puppy because i'd recieve tons of attention.
-If I were a color, I'd be that yellow green that glows in the dark.
-If I were a movie, I'd be the 'this land' video at
-If I were a food, I'd be jello. i don't know's really cool refreshing. have some.
-If I were a material, I'd be satin. silky shmooth.
-If I were a smell, I'd be cinnamon spice or the smell of bread/cookies baking.
-If I were a facial expression I'd be eyes...the way they look when you laugh
-If I were a part of a house, I'd be the computer room. i'm always in here.
-If I were a taste, I'd be a pineapple. i like those.
-If I were a cartoon character I'd be a belle or meg [goin' with the disney theme donna]
-If I were a shape, I'd be a sphere...always constant.
-If I were a number, I'd be 2 so i'm not lonely. besides....everyone always wants at least two of everything
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