2005- brought to you by my PALM PILOT!

Dec 28, 2005 04:13

[P E O P L E]
1. Best friends? jess, erin, jaime
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? i only had one, so i'm guessing it was kai
3. Lost any friends? yes
4. Gained any friends? most def
5. Met a new good friend? for sure

[P L A C E S]

1. Went out of the country? mexico baby!
2. Moved? no
3. New school? no
4. How many times on an airplane? home from seattle, to georgia, california and home, to and from arizona, to and from acapulco
5. Road trips? um, sorta haha

[Y O U]

1. Have you changed? yeah
2. New look? a little bit
3. Any new additions? um no?
4. Biggest conflict this year? handling stress
5. Most depressed time this year? hmm, probably around january

[S E A S O N S]

1. Favorite Season? spring
2. Least favorite season? winter
3. Good birthday? pretty good!
4. Any snow this year? psh. unfortunately
5. Highest temperature? it was like ungodly

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]

Snuck out- no
Met a person who will change ur life: l believe so
Kept your resolution-probably not since i can't remember it
Got arrested- nope
Had a first something- yes
Drank Alcohol- yes
Smoked weed/drugs- no
Did anything illegal- yea
Kissed someone- um
Had a crush- yes
Liked someone who didn't like you- we'll soon see
Lost a family member- yes
Got bad grades- i'm in bc calc.. enough said.
Got suspended- nope
Moved states- no
Got on myspace- haha yes
Learned an instrument- saxophone.. again. and trumpet (haha deb)
Started a band- no
Spent over 1 million dollars- i wish
Went streaking- no
Done something you shouldn't have- probably
Kept a secret- yes
Told a secret- don't think so
Done something you totally regret- no
Changed your view on things- yeah- i'm really trying to think things through more even though that's the last thing i need to do
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