Apr 01, 2010 09:16
- Why is this reading like a bad matching oc for every guardian fic?
- And I think I know why I don't like this Adelhied chick. It's not the boobs. It's the fact that she's a show off. If Hibari went to her school and told her that his Disciplinary Committee was taking over, he wouldn't get approval from anyone. He'd say, "I refuse to interact with the stupid people at this school." and leave it at that. Adelheid is having way too much fun with this. Hibari goes along with Tsuna because he's too bored not to. Everything bores him but he manages to look so badass while he's pulling it off. He wouldn't have to use force, anyway. He'd just glare and the other Committee heads would scatter.
- Okay. Tsuna. You have to stop catching this guy with his pants down. It's awkward in a way that almost wants me to ship you two. And you belong to Gokudera.
- So this is all kind of like filler, but I feel a battle coming on sometime within the next ten chapters, at least. If not sooner.
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