[01-10] Grey's Anatomy 6x23/24 Sanctuary / Death And All His Friends
[11-22] True Blood 3x01 Bad Blood
[23-30] Breaking Bad various season 2
[31-38] Breaking Bad 3x12/13 Half Measures / Full Measure
[39-41] Breaking Bad Promotional Photos
[42-47] Aaron Paul
[48-57] Up
[58-74] Muse
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Also? All the bloody Grey's icons look freakishly awesome!!!
Everyone should watch BB *-*
I just mainlined season one.
I'm hooked. And pissed because it doesn't air in Australia and I have to download all the episodes and it's a pain in my butt. Also, totally worth it though!
Thanks for the rec. Just when Grey's finishes for four months and I can actually have a life... oh well. Life is overrated, yes?
(Also, just to prove how head over I am... WHERE IS THE FIC??! Surely there is fic! This show is FULL of such angsty goodness. I was sure there'd be fic everywhere!)
I'm actually not a big fanfic fan, so I can't really help you out with that one. Sorry. :/
Oh really?! It's like that is it??!?! Haha.
And yeah, I get that fic is not for everyone... sometimes though, I just need to FIX stuff!!! Though, I do have to admit that I've not really come across anything in the Breaking Bad storylines that needs fixing... maybe that's why the fic is so few and far between.
Anyway, thanks again for the rec.
Yeah, there's not a single thing I'd ever want to change about Breaking Bad. It's my ultimate fandom. :)
Anytime. :)
Well, such a shame you're already Mrs. Leery then. Only window shopping for you...!!!
(also, we're arguing over who 'gets' a fictional character... I love fandom! And I think I may just love you too, so I've added you as a friend, hope you don't mind!)
Hee-hee. Isn't it great? Aww, thanks. And yes, of course I mind. :-P j/k I don't mind at all. I feel loved.
Hey, do you have a Twitter by any chance? :)
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