i'm bored. srsly. nothing going on here at work, so all i've done so far were:
1. surf for new movies (looking forward to "the day the earth stood still". yes. i like keanu. no, you can't convince me he's gay. it's blasphemy, i tell you! XD)
2. rant about *some* person's (or persons) poor attempt at sounding poetic by using flowery or high-falluting words (while being totally oblivious of usage). they're hitting "search" on
http://thesaurus.reference.com/ like it's going out of style. hmm. i smell pretentiousness! XD
pretentiousness? beep! cue in the bum's review of twilight! oh you gotta watch this. it's utterly hilarious! XD.
bahahaha! why, yes, twilight was the biggest disappointment of the year. following a really big hype and bongga mall event etc etc, you'd think the movie's pure awesomeness. but nah. it seemed like it stumbled on its way to the big screen and fell short of everybody's expectations. erm. except those swooning, teeny-bopper, goth high school girls who kept yelling in the movie house. they loved it, i'm sure. >_>
edward cullen is NOT hot at all. what's with all the raving? he wasn't even half the vampire i imagined him to be. "pussified vampire". rofl. but maybe i've just read too many anne rice novels and stared at tom cruise/brad pitt too much in interview with the vampire. anyhows, i've written a full review of twilight.
Clicky here to read.
honestly, i had more fun watching bolt. yeah. twilight's *that* bad.