My First Day Back

Jul 31, 2003 11:48

AHHH!!! I'm back..Oh goodness I am so happie. It is s0o0o great to be back. Don't get me wrong I loved being with my family down there..but I also missed my FAMILY n FRIENDS down here.

ReNa--OmG I missed her sooo much words can't explain! She is my best friend in the whole wide world n NOTHING er NO ONE will ever change that..N I think that's already been proven! I saw her last nite N I swear she looked so beauitful I was about to cry..LoL.BFFL <3

And I also saw the Lovely N Talented ((LoL)) Samantha Folan. I love that gurl so much I swear she's great! She looked great with her new short hair that her sister cuz fer her..LmFaO!

James Sieracki--Missing him too..we used to be so tiite.James we NEED to hang out soon//Miss ya//Love ya!

As fer the rest of my Friends likeAlyssa Rose..N Falicia Nichole I miss them like crazie also..but I talked to them online last it made me feel better!

Last nite I hung out with the also Lovely Jeremy Lewis..we talked N hung was nice I missed him so much..well I missed everyone so much..but ya know..LoL.

WeEkEnD--Friday I am going to my cousins house N staying the nite there..then on Saturday I'm going to my other cousins Sweet 16 Party..staying the nite there..N the next day going to the wavepool N then at nite I'm going to a bar..My cousin knows sum people N they are letting us all in..its gunna be TiiTe...:D..just so happie to be back!

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