Apr 11, 2006 18:34
No more sugar for me.... I always knew I had issues metabolizing sugar, not diabetes but I just don't process it well and if I have a lot it makes my face bloat up (instant double chin, I swear) and causes me to gain and lose weight on my stomach quickly. So when I started doing the Sonoma diet I looked a lot thinner b/c i wasn't eating sugar. And I figured I just wouldn't eat a lot of it after the initial induction.
This week I didn't have a lot of sugar, just a few little things here and there. And i kid you not I have gained about 4lbs this week, and that was the only thing in my diet that I changed.
Obviously I'm frustrated b/c it's not going to take me a week to lose that 4lbs. And I'm just baffled that sugar could have that much of an effect on me. And it's not like I was having brownies or a candy bar every day, it was a fun sized almond joy yesterday, a piece of cake and margarita on Jeremy's birthday, fruity martinis with the girls from work on Wednesday. That was it.
But at least now I know and I just need to view sugar as the enemy and not touch it. Because somehow even working out to compensate for the sweets doesn't seem to help.
So I'm definitely taking a pass for tomorrow's WW meeting. :/