(no subject)

Mar 12, 2006 11:31

The boy got Jimmy to 'fess up - his breaking his hand had absolutely nothing to do with me. It happened the day after the party in a completely unrelated incident.

My instinct said that was the case; however knowing the truth just hurts. Why would someone set out to destroy me like that? My relaitonship with his friends was already not on the greatest of terms, it's not like they all loved me and he had to turn them against me. More than that, I don't know what I ever did to Jimmy that warranted something like this; the only thing I can think of was taking some of Chet's time away from him... but any of his friends do that too, why am I singled out?

The boy tells me to be patient and let him resolve this, but I want immediate action... afterall it was only 3 days before I was getting phone calls from his friends asking what the fuck was wrong with me, and like a week or so before I was hearing snarky remarks from some of them.

However I do understand that the situation is trickier because they are his friends. Though I think more than a few people owe me an apology. Starting with Jimmy.

I'm going to ask the boy, but I think I just want to be an adult about this (a concept lost on Jimmy I reckon) and have the three of us sit down so I can just ask Jimmy what he holds against me and why he would disrespect me so much. And to tell him that as much as he doesnt' want Chet to be with me, I don't want him to be friends with him, but that he's not gettign rid of either of us so we'll just have to deal.

I'm just so hurt. And I feel stupid b/c there was a part of me that did feel bad for alledgedly making him break his hand and thought that maybe I shouldn't have slapped him. Now I'm wishing I'd ripped his teeny tiny balls off.

Ah well... luau last night was good times, the boy is still sleeping it off. :p I want breakfast though and I need to head down to mom's, so sleeping beauty is about to get woken up.

**Update** We talked about it more today and the boy explained in more detail. Jimmy fessed up himself, while the two of them were out (I thought the boy got it out of him). Basically he just fell and hurt it, but was mad I hit him and at the time didn't really understand why being that he was drunk at the time it happened, and once more of the story was pieced together my reaction made more sense. He didn't think it would end up being such a big deal and it just got out of hand. He did seem to feel bad about that and didn't intend for it to become such a mess. That made me a little more understanding and I do appreciate that he did voluntarily come forward; I can understand why it took him a while, because it had gotten to be a big thing, and honestly in the last few weeks he hasn't been saying it was me, he's been making up other stories, so I do give him credit for not continuing the story. And I'm just coming away from this feeling sorry for him... Obviously he needed the attention or something, and knew that if he said he just hurt it by falling on it they'd make fun of him for being a klutz, but saying that I made him do it would warrant sympathy. I'm still hurt by it, but I don't feel like it was as malicious as I first thought; the boy sees most of those who reacted against me to the situation this week and has already clarified with one friend, and will be talking to the others in the coming week. I am happy with this resolution and hope that it will help make things better between me and his friends.
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