Jan 20, 2005 23:04
okie I haven't updated in ages... for no particular reason either... guess not much has been going on.. nothing to update about. I can't wait for school to start-- sitting at home all day every day is really starting to get to me!! I feel like I'm going crazy... I need to get out! Tomorrow I should find out if I got a job or not- very exciting... still looking for an internship which so far isn't going very well... but eh... whatever. I got my oil changed today- fun times! haha!! I went to donate blood, but they told me I didn't have enough iron in my blood- boo! Oh well.. whatever... Okie I really have NOTHING to write about... so I think I'm gonna go outside and read for a while.. enjoy the sun- maybe do some yard work... I'm sick of sitting here!! Oh next Thurs I'm going to Yosemite- woohoo!! I can't wait!! Will be loads of fun!! And this weekend I might head to Santa Barbara for a day or so to visit my friend Chris. Other than that not too much is going on... sorrie such a boring update! haha-- I've been keeping in touch with some friends from Wales- man I wish I could go back and visit sooner than a year and a half... but I suppose Wales is kinda far away... not much I can do about that one... oh wells...
okie time for me to change and head outdoors... I'll try and update something with more substance later...