Eventful December

Dec 29, 2007 13:29

In the first week of Dec was the cleaning/shifting phase. I transfered to my elder bro's room as he was still in Australia and won't be back till maybe next year. He's working there now and I guess life is pretty good for him. I took around 4 days to complete which includes cleaning + doing some minor renovation such as installing blinds and repairing tables. I'm pretty satisfied with it, here's a picture of my room, though it is a little messy.

2nd week of Dec I had a church camp, man it was awesome! Though the games were limited (partly due to the rain), it was fun overall. Encounter, Advance, Impact was the theme of the camp. All I can say is that I encountered God during the entire camp and managed to get my life back on track. Looking forward to the next camp in 2008!

3rd week of Dec was a busy week, most of the time spent traveling around Singapore. I blew $20 worth of transport in that week alone! TITO (Tap in Tap out) = Money sucker. All thanks to our "world class" transport system. I had Christmas rehearsals during that week too, preparing for our church play  'The Father's Love'. I was serving in the sound department, though I did not have the opportunity to serve at the mixer, I've learnt a lot even on the ground level. Overall the production was excellent and all praises go to God! People's lives were touched and transformed.

On Saturday itself was my cousin's wedding. I got a big surprise when I saw
chongeileen as the wedding videographer. She is from the same church and used to be from the same carecell and poly. Singapore is really small! I was helping out in the brother's team and it was alright. Our families got so much closer during the wedding. I can see all the happy faces and everyone was helping out.

The Young Ones...

Me & Eileen

In the 4th week of Dec was also hectic. I had to chiong through my Christmas cards (30+ of them!) and mind you I write long cards( I don't believe in writing cards that just say Merry Christmas, thats all). Even though my primary love language is Words of Affirmation, I struggled all night to finish them, staying up to 5am on Christmas day itself. Well one of the reason was that my friend invited me to play mahjong at his place...haha. So on Christmas day itself was the usual gift exchanges, so far only one of my closest friends Jee Sing wrote a card for me...the rest were just sweets, cookies and books. Okay the book gift was really good too, Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado.

On the 28th Dec, I got my results back. Well I had 1 A-, 1 A, 1 B, 3 C, 1 D+ and 1 F. Yeah 1 F...and that module is worth 4 AUs. Sigh, well whatever the outcome is I'll still praise God. I'll have to add a lot of oil next semester to get my GPA up, currently it is sitting at 2.167, where I will need a min of 2 to pass my course.
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