Aug 03, 2005 12:52
So I have finally come to the conclusion on why I hate the internet so much
1. ok so you meet people on it and well at first they seem like just a great person to get along with then you find out there are things going on behind your back that only that one person can know
4. Pop-ups! we had something to prevent them but my father who is so not a genius turned the thing off ugh!
5. Most of the time i really come on i'm doing homework, working on an essay ,and i don't really talk online unless someone i care about is on and they rarely come on or they come on later in the day!
6. It gives a chance for your ex to come find you and harass you more! (oh joy) i've had how many sns now? heh!
7. the fact that i seem to be one out of like five others who still are underprivliged and have stupid dial up
8. my parents hate when i'm online
9. Any time i start to have any form of fun online my mom needs the computer
10.Back to the whole person thing even though you see through their lies some of them sound so good that you just start to believe it! yet i'm waiting to fall in another trap like that and if i do forget the internet i'll survive or so i think
oh wait and another thing automatically if your not on for a long time people get worried thinking your dead or they think your avoiding them sorry people that assumption ......assume
So why do i hate band.....
1. It's hot and where's the f****** water!
2. Now all of a sudden brass is in second block and woodwinds are in fourth somehow mr.hart thinks that will take the "hyperness" away! (bull shit!)Fourth block is the hottest time and you know what people get hyper because they're hot and dehydrated DUH! total signs of hyperthermia!
3. When you get sick when Mr.Hart looks at you it's like the look of death as if you being hurt isn't is fault.
4. He pushes and pushes till we all have run out of sweat and then we have to call two ambulances!
5. The politics holy shit there's politics in everyday life but hot damn the politic level isn't so high you get a negative vibe off of it ....that's the way it seems when you walk near the band
6. Officers some take their power to the limit and well you know what everyone is going to start losing respect
7. some officers heads have become to big for their body
8. there is no discipline what so ever maybe for like five seconds but there's none that i've noticed and supposedly we're trying to reinforce it so when's that going to happen?
9. Mr. hart is two faced and well may be going through marital issues and all and he set a rule about if we have any issues keep it outside of the band room yet when has he followed the rule himself
10. when mr.hart makes up the hand book he never seems to be able to put the calender in there right and it pisses me and my parents off...
I'm not the only disgruntled member of ERHS KNIGHTS BAND! oh there are others. and guess what most of the stuff i've said some how i managed to bring it up to mr.hart to his face maybe that's why he hates me now because i'm not afraid to tell him the TRUTH!
Also the whole and this one time at band camp thing is so fcking old it's dead and deader than dead as in the words of Mr. bokash it only comes in handy if someone is just going on and on about something you care not to listen to BLAH!
ok people....soooooo...this was in no particular order but i think you get my point