Oct 30, 2011 22:10
As it’s Halloween tomorrow I thought I’d give you all a treat. If you reply to this post by saying ‘Trick or Treat’ and tell me what treat you want I will attempt to fill it. Be warned I only watch Linkara, Spoony and ERod all the time. So I may struggle to fill requests for other reviews but I will try. If I can’t do a fill I will reply by saying ‘BOO!’ and explaining why I can’t do it.
Sorry for any bad spelling and punctuation. I have dyslexia and this will be unbetaed for obverse reasons. So sorry for any mistakes in advance and I hope it doesn’t spoil this too much for you.
1. Kink Meme rules apply here.
2. Start you request be saying ‘Trick or Treat.’
3. It doesn’t have to be Halloween related but it must be a fic request. Please don’t ask for art or a video because you won’t get it.
4. Be patient. I will reply to everyone but it may be Tuesday before you get a reply as I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow.
5. You can post as many request as you like but it has to be posted before midnight tomorrow, in England, because that’s when Halloween ends for me.
6. There is no rule number 6 you can start requesting now.