Mar 10, 2009 22:16
First let me say I don't mean to offend anyone with this post, it's just what I personally feel. If you however do disagree, please feel free to say so in a comment because I love to hear other people's point of view :)
This whole Jade Goody charade is pissing me off. She's dying at a very young age, it is tragic and of course shouldn't be happening. And I applaud her for getting the message out and raising awareness for a disease usually not thought of.The increase in smear tests is just a fantastic outcome of a terrible situation.
But I won't suddenly forget the person she's been in the past just because she's dying! She did and said some horrendous things, and if we live by the principle that a person's actions are forgiven upon death then we could all go and do whatever the fuck we want! Because at the end of it we're all going to die. An inevitablity is not a reason for forgiveness. I'm sorry if that makes me sound harsh, but I find her whole situation frankly embarassing. She says the TV show and media whoring is to gain a financial future for her children - but at what cost? Her children will be able to get her final months out on DVD! I think in the long run they'd prefer the last few months with their mother to be peaceful and private as opposed to a couple of extra grand ten years later. Everytime I see a picture of her being wheelchaired out of the hospital, all I can think is have some self-respect. Or at least some respect for your children and loved ones. She could have easily raised awareness without plastering her face over every magazine cover from here to Timbuktwo. And her agent! Max Clifford and Jade are releasing every tiny bit of infomation to the press. Test results, visitors, what she had at fucking tea time. Why is she doing this? Awareness if one thing, but she's just autioning off her death to the highest bidder!
The point of my argument is - she is dying. She has only a few months left with her husband and children, and she's choosing to spend them with a TV camera in her face and journalists knocking on her door? I just want to know what sort of final impression she thinks she's leaving with her children. If it were me, I wouldn't want them to remember me smiling to the camera and giving interviews. I'd want them to remember me as their mother who loved them and put them in front of everything, including the fucking media.