Just incase I needed any further proof that my dog was AWESOME, he just goes a gives me some more. (My other dog's awesome too, but for the sake of this story lets leave her to one side). A repeat of
this happened, (I know, right? It's like a attract the fuckers.) However this time it was a daddylonglegs. I have a HUGE fear of these little tykes. So, anyway, I think - My Mum. My Mum, as with most Mums, is the only one who can deal with this. She'll kill it for me. She'll sort it out.
But, alas, but Mum was asleep (not surprising at 1am, to be fair) and so I obviously couldn't wake her. After the last time she even specially said Emma, if you wake me up with a creepy crawly problem I will kill you with my bare hands. So, naturally, I didn't. Instead I rolled up a magazine, attempted to gather some courage and kill the sucker. No such luck. IT WAS FLYING OKAY? I DON'T HAVE GOOD AIM USUALLY, SO I HAD NOT A CHANCE. That and I was a bit terrified. I stood the other end of the room to it at all times (I did take away from this some exercise, however. That fucker moved fast). So I had no idea what to do, and I couldn't wake my Mum.
Anyway, so then I hear a door open upstairs. I wonder - if she awake? Did I schreech that loudly when I saw it? Anyway, I go to the door and stage whisper MUM! and she replies. Long story short I ask her to come down and she kills the little shit. YAY! Turns out my Dog Buddy had gone upstairs and paced outside her door making noise, then had scratched on the door to get in. HE WOKE HER UP SO I DIDN'T HAVE TO AND SHE COULD SAVE ME.
That's true fucking love, right there.