All we care about is talking, talking only me and you.

Oct 08, 2007 22:32

Post 10 things that recently made you happy. Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs.

1. Just seeing my icon as I scrolled down to write this. I know it's arrogant since I made it, but I love it lots and lots.
2. My Grandad telling me he loves me.
3. Dipping breadsticks into Philadelphia cheese cos it's so fucking tasty.
4. THIS Meme.
6. The fantastic turnout for my first community,
pdicontest, considering it's been around for like, a week.
7. My friend Lauren and her telling of the first driving lesson. 'WHO WAS THAT VROOMING PAST THE MOTORWAY AT 70MPH - OH YEAH, ME!'
8. Thinking of all my new clothes. I haven't been shopping in aaaaagggggeees, and not I have lots of new shiny things XD
9. My big, fat, old dog attempting to out do my other younger, fitter, more energetic dog, by crawling jumping up onto my lap. With great, great, difficulty. Still, the look of pure triumph on her face was fantastic.
10. The fact I have Theatre Studies tomorrow. I LOVE theatre studies so much. It's literally the only thing I go to school for sometimes.

Not tagging because everyone must do it. It's really fun :)

bones, meme, real life, pdicontest

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