Someday I will ask you if I was a disapointment

Jul 22, 2007 16:31

I'm really bored. Friends can only keep me occupied for so long. That said, I want to adopt Phoebe.
Family stuff has gotten worse, but I'm not in the mood to talk about that now, because it'll only get me down.
Oh, something interesting, [well, not really], but an old friend who I haven't spoken to for a couple of years has gotten in touch with me and asked if I want to meet up. How do I say no without sounding weird? I mean, when we were best friends, it was such an unhealthy relationship. I was so dependant on her, which was made even worse by the fact she was never there for me. We just didn't go together well.
After we both ended up going to different schools, we naturally grew distant until we just never spoke to one another, something in retrospect I regard as VERYVERYGOOD.
Anyway, now by the magic of myspace, she's pestered me trying to get us to meet up, something I really don't want to do! She's turned into a chav, if I'm honest. Without wanting to sound like some stuck up bitch, she's the kind of person that finds staying out all night in a park getting pissed and screaming at any passing people a good night out.
I remember once when my dad was driving us both home, she suggested we shout stuff out of the window at people. We were about to drive past a Chinese person, and she told me to should Chink at them. I had no idea what the word meant at the time, so I did it, and it was only recently when I got to thinking about me and her together that it occured to me what I was doing.
In short, I don't like me when I'm around her. We all have people that we change for when we're around them, and I know if I were to meet up with her I'd feel so self conscience.

But, whatever. I wanted to post, but I can't think of anything to really say :/
MAN, I'm so boring. Also, am I the only one who isn't currently crying over the end of Harry Potter? I never really got into the books, but the films are worth seeing for the most part. Admittedly, the part being :

I feel a bit like a perve for still thinking this picture of baby!Rupert is still completely hot. But, oh well.

hot, crush, rupert grint, harry potter, real life

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