Dec 12, 2004 03:42
I just feel like writing...
Been talking to kit a lot, pengy some.. where the hell is mystie? Anyway, kit is so crazy XD -points to her journal- it's water bamboo, for all of you, it brings good luck.
Kay so um... I'm in the christmas play in school as a wealthy father, like reall rich, so i got this costume and it ended up being like $75 but it was originally a christmas present so... ^_^ I do think i drink tooo much caffeine on weekends, and therefore i stay up until 6 and do crazy things all night. When kit goes to bed, i reaaaallly get bored.
I spent all day baking... I'm giving my teachers foods as gifts, so i made these little loaves of breads, quite a few.. banana nut, pumpkin cranberry, and strawberry. About 100 of these little cookies with nuts, and powdered sugar on top, this toffee that was so hot the fire alarm went off when i made it, and... a LOT of these cheese straws, and it was all homemade so n_n
So, i cleaned up this entire thing a little bit. I deleted all of my old entries because they were so depressing, and actually somewhat stupid. Not even all those entries where i was depressed, but the stupid ones where i'd rant about little things. I've changed a bit, but migz was right. Although he was a walking, talking put-down to me, he was right that i needed to forget about little things. So, when i do come back every day, be prepared for me to still be dramatic, artsy, and as kit says, 'slightly feminine' -rolls eyes-. If anyone cares to tell me what happened over the 1/2 a year i was gone, it might help... possibly... btw, if you want to talk to me, i'm most probably on friday and saturday nights from 10 - all night XP and.. gwen stefani is singing, and i just blocked up because of that XD I forgot what i was going to say. Oh yeah, if you can't IM me, just leave a reply here. kay? :D
I did get bamboo btw today, and kit and i named it Marilyn Keys. =D Love y'all, post here and i'll check back ASAP.