Posted For Linstock!

Jun 08, 2011 07:55

Author's/Artist's name: Linstock
Written/Drawn for: pathsforme
Pairing/Characters: nu!Rand, nu!Kirk
Rating: G
Prompt: nu!Kirk meets his new Yeoman nu!Rand
Does not want: Slash, Dub-Con, Smut.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or profit from this writing. Nor does this story relate to or intend infringement of the movie of the same name.

A/N: Text in italics represent the thoughts of the character concerned. My deep thanks to SpockLikes Cats for beta-ing above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks also to nu-Trek for organising this challenge.

While You Were Sleeping.

Kirk had filed his report and was reviewing requisitions when he heard a gasp. He looked up to see a pair of grey blue eyes locked on his face.

“Good morning. Yeoman Rand, I presume? Pleased to meet you. I’m Captain James Kirk.”

He saw the realisation of where she was, who he was and what she had been doing, hit. Yeoman Rand tried to stand and snap to attention, a move impeded by the blanket and the fact that her foot had gone to sleep. As a result there was a rather undignified tussle with bedding and balance until Yeoman Rand stood, delightfully sleep-flushed and dishevelled in front of Kirk’s desk.

She saluted smartly. “Yeoman Janice Rand reporting for duty, sir.”

“Welcome aboard, Rand.” replied Kirk formally.

“I look forward to working with you, Captain, and,” she paused, blushing.. “I apologise for falling asleep.”

“Think nothing of it, Yeoman, as long as you don’t make it a habit.”

“No sir. I mean yes, sir. Of course not sir, not with you sir, I mean with you present sir, or in your office, not on duty sir, only in my own quarters sir, not in yours, I mean only in my own time only sir.”

God, she is delectable when she’s flustered.

Rand seemed to realise she was just making things worse, paused, took a breath and said, “I look forward to getting to know you, sir. Uncle Chris said I would find service with you invigorating.”

“Uncle Chris?”

Yeoman Rand blushed prettily. “Sorry sir, I’m so used to thinking of him that way, it just slipped out -- it won’t happen again, sir. I meant Admiral Pike, sir.”

Kirk felt cold prickles up his spine.

“Admiral Pike is your uncle?”

“Not exactly, sir.” Rand seemed awkward, “He and my mother …” Rand shrugged, “were friends, very good friends, up until her death. Ever since I was a child, I’ve called him Uncle Chris. He’s always kept in touch and looked out for me; he’s such a sweetie.”

Kirk felt his brain stall. Had he really just heard the word “sweetie” used in reference to “Admiral Pike”?

“I see.” Although he knew he really didn’t, the ramifications of this particular revelation were too complex and appalling to grasp in so sort a time.

At least I know she was sent by an angel, albeit an irascible, manipulative one with multiple agendas.

Kirk pulled himself together and grinned his 1000-watt grin.

Rand seemed to think something more was required and repeated, “I look forward to getting to know you sir.”

Kirks grin moved from dazzling to roguish.

“And I feel like I already know you.”


“We became acquainted ... while you were sleeping.”

Her frown was adorable too; it was definitely going to be interesting around here from now on.


Kirk watched thoughtfully as Yeoman First class Janice Pamela Rand left the captain’s Ready Room to report for duty and receive her room assignment.

Nibbles? Damn Spock...both of them.

The End.
A/N: My meticulous research for this fic, which involved watching three YouTube vids on Rand, showed that she does, in fact nibble. Check it out and you’ll see what I mean, several times when delivering a food tray to someone she nibbles their food. Given that canon (at least since “Enterprise”) says Vulcans don’t so much as touch food with their hands, I figured the idea of someone else using their hands and nibbling their meal would be a no-no to nuSpock, even to SpockPrime, who is pretty used to humans…and personally I wouldn’t be too thrilled either. I figure the comment will give Kirk a problem for quite a while…until he figures it out.

Your comments and constructive criticism are always greatly appreciated.

fill, round 1

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